The film was initially intended as an animated documentary which gave us the opportunity to present the project at:
• Dok Leipzig 55a Co-production Market 
Throughout the first script development we got support from:
 Chilean Ministry of Culture and CORFO
The film project has been highly appreciated at several significant industry events at which it has been pitched: 
• MipCom 2019
Berlin 2017- Berlinale Talents
 • Annecy Work In Progress - Chilean Animation and Animation Days at Marché du Film - Cannes 2021

The movie's animation-live action feature hybrid format nature gives us a wide spectrum of options in terms of distribution both as an animation and fiction project. 
The director, José María González, is a Spanish filmmaker but lives with his Chilean wife and child in Santiago and reached out to the artist Ariel Rojas to develop the film in 2015.  As a kid, he lived through the dictatorship of Franco in Spain and he also has a great sensibility when it comes to the topic of fatherhood.
Ever since we presented the project the first time, we have realized that the story brings emotions to people of all kinds of backgrounds, because of its unusual and attractive visual format and its historical perspective from a child's point of view.
It have been still for some years due to post pandemic difficulties for the filmmakers. The crew have used black and white 2D technique for animation during first development, but now are looking for a combined methodology with AI where also bots can be programmed to facilitate the working method under production. 
In 2018 the crew developed an Art Book with Nino Viejo Studio in Chile and made a 70 min long 2D version of the animated part of the film.
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